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Virtual Lessons

Gain biblical knowledge and understanding via our virtual resources

Training for Trainers with David Garrison

1. T4T Introduction
2. T4T Vision Casting
3. T4T The Ying Kai Story
4. T4T The Four Questions
5. T4T Questions 3 and 4
6. T4T The Weekly Meeting
7. T4T Prayer- Talking with God
8. T4T Daily Time with God

4 Basic Questions of T4T Method

  • What do I say?
    (In 1-2 minutes tell your story, write it down on 1 page, memorize and practice it in a group of 3, the other 2 add constructive critique): My life before Jesus (ex. saved @ 7, but put God on the back burner for 10years, I only played sports and wanted pleasure. @ 17 I rededicated my life to Christ and made Him 1st in my life, got accepted to ORU and God spoke to me and I developed a consistent relationship with the Lord) How you met Jesus (Godmother led my Mom to Jesus and my Mom led me to the Lord) Your Life since you met Jesus (developed relationship with God and put my parent's teaching to the test. Met Godly sincere men and together we sought to know God experientially.)
  • Who do I say it to?
    Your family and friends | write their names on the back of a piece of paper, now pray and let the Holy Spirit direct you to the first 5 individuals this week then circle the names you feel led to.
  • What makes you think I will do this?
    Weekly peer groups and possible hourly wages.
  • What do I do if they say "Yes" to Jesus?
    Schedule a weekly meeting and break into 3 parts;
Image by Sincerely Media

Accept the calling to be an Ambassador for Christ

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