Standing on the Word of God
Pastor and Lady Lynette are living a life of prayer, exercising our faith daily, acting on God's Word.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our MISSION is to mass-produce disciples for The Lord Jesus Christ in obedience to the Great Commission of the Scriptures. We will treat the ministry process as a disciple manufacturing factory.
Training for Trainers
​We will utilize assembly line and division of labor technology with an emphasis on the best practice, free-for-all (T4T) TRAINING FOR TRAINERS methodology. In doing so, we will train others to plant churches and systematically train others to train others to plant church ministries.
The Process
​This cutting edge Kingdom advanced training methodology is Best Practice because it's proven to be very effective in making skilled disciples of Christ in any populated area. It's success relies on process over content. The process develops committed and faithful 'doers of the word' from birth. The new disciple is trained to reproduce himself as naturally as the impulse is to extend a helping hand to someone who has fallen down. The content of the message, while biblical, is adaptable for any number of situations one may encounter.
The Vision
The VISION will take the form of what we call, The Disciple Factory. A place dedicated to making disciples of all men like a manufacturing facility. We see these factories builted in every country for many languges and cultures.
The Goal
Our GOAL is to "keep it simple" by birthing and building small groups made of new disciples into small households of faith/Churches. By intentionally keeping the groups small new believers will gain concentrated hands-on attention which will promote a rooted and grounded relationship with Christ Himself. We prefer to funnel church growth spillage over into other small households of faith vs. building a mega-church.
Our Intent
Our intent is to take ordinary people and place them on an accelerated discipleship assembly line. Once the disciple has been fully taught and finishes advanced training, the spirit-filled 'super-soldier' of Christ will be a mighty, fully-equipped, anointed, Kingdom of God-advancing force to be reckoned with in any community.